Su diario de navegación


I guess feedback is always welcome... I really like MWS. Very helpful. Just a couple of comments,

- sometimes I see errors when sorting people by number of sessions, not sure if it happened only in Chrome or in IE.
- i like to compare my sessions with the forecast (like archive forecast in windguru). Would appreciate if the program could offer the option to auto-link that, so we can keep building a forecast vs. reality for different spots and see which ones are more or less reliable against the forecast. At the end, all forecast sites take info from GFS or WRF models...
- when entering a session and chosing sails, they come sorted by size. When choosing fins, they don't... would appreciate if the program would autosort the different equipments (sails, boards, fins, masts...) based on their characteristic length, it helps to enter the session details.
- on the quivers, if i have a sail, record sessions with that sail, and then I sell it/break it/don't use it anymore, i can either: a) do nothing, but keeps appearing as an active sail when entering it in a session, b) delete it, but then the sessions recorded with that sail show "undefined sail". I would appreciate if I could enter the quiver, and be able to set sails as active/former, so i can only choose among the ones I currently use, but the sessions recorded with old sails still appear well recorded.

This are just a few "bugs" or improvents to suggest, but again... MWS is awesome. C'est une grande idée!
MN dijo:

I guess feedback is always welcome... I really like MWS. Very helpful. Just a couple of comments,

- sometimes I see errors when sorting people by number of sessions, not sure if it happened only in Chrome or in IE.
I recently made a fat change about "sailing types" and it is possible that it remains a few bugs. If you still have an error, please send me the page URL on
MN dijo:
- i like to compare my sessions with the forecast (like archive forecast in windguru). Would appreciate if the program could offer the option to auto-link that, so we can keep building a forecast vs. reality for different spots and see which ones are more or less reliable against the forecast. At the end, all forecast sites take info from GFS or WRF models...
It is an interesting proposal. I have to think about it.
MN dijo:
- when entering a session and chosing sails, they come sorted by size. When choosing fins, they don't... would appreciate if the program would autosort the different equipments (sails, boards, fins, masts...) based on their characteristic length, it helps to enter the session details.
Done !
MN dijo:
- on the quivers, if i have a sail, record sessions with that sail, and then I sell it/break it/don't use it anymore, i can either: a) do nothing, but keeps appearing as an active sail when entering it in a session, b) delete it, but then the sessions recorded with that sail show "undefined sail". I would appreciate if I could enter the quiver, and be able to set sails as active/former, so i can only choose among the ones I currently use, but the sessions recorded with old sails still appear well recorded.
In these case, you just have to modify your board or your sail and uncheck the option "Mostrar en el quiver". So this item will still appear in your statistics, but won't be shown anymore in the lists when entering a session and won't be seen anymore by anyone looking at your profile.
MN dijo:
This are just a few "bugs" or improvents to suggest, but again... MWS is awesome. C'est une grande idée!
Thanks for all your comments and as you said "feedback is always welcome".
Pascal - MWS admin - you can see on my signature below, it is now possible to display the number of sessions for each item of your quiver.
To do this, you just have to modify your MWS signature and choose "Mostrar las sesiones por equipo"...
Loopyloop13 - Admin MWS -
Como puedo ponerme en la firma que aparezca el contador?
Puedo coger la imagen y pegarla con la el numero de sesión y el material usado pero lo que quiero es que cuando yo aumente el contador se me actualice automática mente en este foro...eso se puede?
Es decir yo puedo pegar la imagen así:


Pero se puede que cuando yo en mi diario aumente el contador se actualice aquí sin necesidad de ir cambiando la imagen cada vez.

Another comment... when generating statistics, for example by sail or by board, I would like more if in the graph, the bars/legend were sorted by the "characteristic dimension": let's say, from left to right, smaller to bigger sails. Same with boards, recently I got a new board, and currently I see my stats by board as: Fanatic 75l, RRD 125l, Fanatic 95l.
MWS finalmente ha dado un nuevo aspecto. Un poco más moderno y coherente. Yo espero.
Esta es la oportunidad de descubrir o redescubrir el sitio
Como siempre, sus comentarios y sugerencias son valiosas para desarrollar el sitio en la dirección correcta y corregir errores que pudieran escapar.
Así que no dude en dar a sus pensamientos en esta nueva versión aquí o dirección
Y en breve, la aplicación MWS para smartphone. Así que crear rápidamente su cuenta en el sitio para aprovechar todas sus funciones cuando la aplicación está disponible. Algunas capturas de pantalla se pueden ver aquí
Buena navegación en absoluto.
MWS - Mis Sesiones viento -
...para los adictos al GPS, ahora se puede adjuntar uno o varios archivos de "trazas" en cada una de sus sesiones grabadas.
Por ahora sólo los formatos GPX o KML. Si hay otros formatos que desee, hágamelo saber y voy a añadir ...
Hola me gustaria que hubiese un ranking de los 100 windsurfistas que mas navegan. Actualmente solo salen los 5 primeros y me gustaria saber en que posicion estoy.
Los riders MWS más activos sobre 12 meses... que hubiese la posibilidad de ver todas las clasificaciones
Gran página loopyloop13!!!

En el diario me gusta apuntar mucho texto, y comentarios sobre los que me acompañan. Para que estos amigos no tengan problemas de privacidad, he marcado las sesiones como privadas. Sin embargo, me gustaría que los datos objetivos fueran públicos. Es decir, que hubiera la posibilidad de que toda la sesión fuera pública, salvo los comentarios.

Otra cosa. Desde el último cambio de aspecto de la web las distintas opciones, en azul claro, se confunden con el fondo, azul.