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Escrito por Dave Ezzy en el foro de kiteforum ... una interpretación muy interesante.
Si alguien tiene tiempo de traducirlo estaria bien ... sinó lo intentaré hacer esta tarde.
Si alguien tiene tiempo de traducirlo estaria bien ... sinó lo intentaré hacer esta tarde.
When kiting started getting popular in the mid to late '90s, it seemed windsurfers everywhere were abandoning ship to take up kiting in droves. I recall a few kiter converts even stating,
"Windsurfing has been cancelled."
Fast-forward to today and we find kiting did not overtake windsurfing. In fact, windsurfing is stronger now than it was then.
Secrets of survival:
We didn't all become kiters for a few reasons.
Getting yanked out of the water with the force of a 747 does not appeal to everyone. Walking on the beach dodging kite lines is like walking across a mine field. Trees, rocks and other hard and dangerous objects always seem to get in the way of kiters. And the warning labels on kites keep referring to death - not a good sign. When something breaks, there is nothing to paddle in on, and you need someone to help you launch and land. I always hide when I see a lone kiter, for fear it will be me having to help.
like Darwin's natural selection - only in this case the weak fell by going to kiting.
That was good for windsurfing because it left this core group of strong, dedicated windsurfers to multiply. The types stoked about getting other people into it and those who have an enthusiastic passion for the sport - those are the windsurfers who remain.
Why Ezzy Sails won't trend toward kiting: I stick to what I'm passionate about. It's that simple, just like Ezzy's three-sail line.
Why this magazine shouldn't either: And what about WindSwfing doing an article on kiting recently? This rag has limited space.
People are chomping to see their sport, __T t was like Darwin's natural selection - only in this case the weak fell by going to kiting.-
The plague of kiting: There's another big reason. Stick with me on this.
Recently, I read that some people of Northern European descent have special resistance to disease stemming from the bubonic plague of the 14th century. The people who survived had a special gene, by fluke. The plague hit a couple of times, so the predominance of this gene got stronger and stronger.
So bubonic plague equals kiting. It cleaned out the windsurfers that were on the weaker side.
The has-been pros and those who weren't going to make it, and the people who were sitting on the fence who weren't that stoked about windsurfing - that's who kiting took. It was o right? When kiting fills some of these finite pages where they're expecting to see windsurfing, you let them down.
Windsurfing's intelligent design: It's a self-contained, self-propelled sailing apparatus.
It's beauty. You glide along water in perfect control. You can go close to somebody. Launch and come in yourself. And unlike when you kite, you don't look like a monkey in The Wizard of Oz.
Parting shot: And fmally, what's with the handle on the back of the kiter's harness? Is there also a warning label that states, "If you see me flying away, grab here to save me"?