otra versión del PERVERSO.

por la peña del team vosa

no creo que sea montaje.

Ufff... Menos mal Vincent, yo es que la otra versión no conseguía visualizarla, hay algunos videos del "continent7" que no se me habren.

Pues viendolo se me puede asemejar a 2 cosas:

-1.- Un "Ponch" con mucha rampa, realización mucho más vertical! que tirón tiene que pegar la vela!! [aiba]
-2.- Un Pushloop rotado "nada más empezar el salto"!!!

Sea lo que sea es una maniobra muy wapa a simple vista.
[saludo] [saludo]
Aloha to ya all ! :D

It`s me Ain Härmson ho did this strange move and named it the way it looks ;)
You all are very close. I was doing ponch and fiew times I didn`t put the sail in wind (did`nt get bacwindposition) and thats how it happened first time. In half the way rotation, before landing there is good a little cheat in with backarm.
I hope to put up some better quality video someday.
Now I have one attempt in 0:33 sec in our last video at

Rip hard ;)
PennyEST212 dijo:
Aloha to ya all ! :D

It`s me Ain Härmson ho did this strange move and named it the way it looks ;)
You all are very close. I was doing ponch and fiew times I didn`t put the sail in wind (did`nt get bacwindposition) and thats how it happened first time. In half the way rotation, before landing there is good a little cheat in with backarm.
I hope to put up some better quality video someday.
Now I have one attempt in 0:33 sec in our last video at

Rip hard ;)

Hi Penny .... thanks for sharing!!! ... very COOL move !!!! [qpasaneng2] [qpasaneng2] [neng] [neng]
Nice video!! ... and good soundtrack (but I even can't understand a single word [meparto] [meparto] )

Posted video in our general forum.

Pongo el video en la tertulia:
Ya he visto el video, y a mi me gusta la maniobra, coincido con jaume,
Es mas dificil entender la música que la maniobra... jeje

Saludos y arriba con el PERVERSO [heavy]
(very cool move.. Penny, congratulations)
Yo creo ke es mas facil ke todo esto.El tio kiere hacer un ponch pero se le va un poco, ademas la vela nole choca en el agua y por eso creo ke la rotacion se hace un poco extraña