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Pues eso ... que el Huracán Rita ya es categoría 5 y le quedan 1000km para entrar en tierra sobre Houston(Texas). El Katrina fue Cat 4 al entrar en tierra y ya veis lo que pasó. En teoria cuando el huracán toque tierra, perderá fuerza, ya que no se retroalimentará del agua del mar.
Estoy haciendo copias de seguridad de todo por si algo pasara, que no debería, ya que el centro de datos está preparado para catástrofes de este tipo hasta Cat 4.
Esperemos que el centro de datos aguante y nuestros servers estén a salvo.
Os dejo aqui el aviso del centro de datos para los curiosos:
Imagen de satélite del rita:
Estoy haciendo copias de seguridad de todo por si algo pasara, que no debería, ya que el centro de datos está preparado para catástrofes de este tipo hasta Cat 4.
Esperemos que el centro de datos aguante y nuestros servers estén a salvo.
Os dejo aqui el aviso del centro de datos para los curiosos:
Disaster planning is currently and has been underway for some time. Anytime we have a potential storm, we reassess our current level of readiness.
Should the hurricane make a direct path for the upper Texas coast, we will operate our core services with a limited staff so that the bulk of our employees can be with their families.
Employees will be on hand to handle emergency repairs and tickets. Routine tickets and upgrades will most probably have a delayed response.
As an extra precaution, we have even sourced an additional rental generator. While this unit would not be needed for a brief outage, if we were top experience a loss of power lasting several days, we would need to perform normal maintenance on our generators, and this would give us a generator to run while that maintenance is taking place. Maintenance such as oil changes is required under our operating specifications every 100 to 150 hours, meaning that we would need to perform maintenance sometime after 4-5 days.
All total, we have in excess of 10,000 gallons of fuel on site. We have guaranteed contracts for fuel delivery and two fuel depots are located within 2 miles of our facility.
Our staff is working to ensure an uninterrupted continuity of service.
While I am current attending to business out of town, I have made arrangements to return to Houston on Wednesday and will weather the storm with our employees in one of our facilities.
We anticipate that the coming storm will have no impact on our operations. However, we are prepared to deal with any eventuality.
Imagen de satélite del rita: