2007 Colgate World Cup,Sylt

sergio pousada

Totalwind Supergurú
señoras y señores,esto empieza ya mismo,mañana dia 21 al 30 de sep...

las previsiones son buenas.....aver que pasa,aqui el viento no es de ladito y olas bien formadas...esperemos un buen espectaculo.... [heavy]

ya hay fotos......


y el resumen del dia,segun la web de la PWA:

The 2007 Colgate World Cup Sylt

18.42 OK that's it for today folks. The first possible start tomorrow is at 10.30 Please join us then for an update - the latest forecasts suggest light winds so perhaps the focus will shift to slalom racing? See you then. Bye for now.

18.28 We're waiting for a final decision but it's looking likely that that's it for today

18.10 We're staying on close standby in case things improve. Right now it's still too light but there is still some swell. More shortly

17.49 Results - Van Der Steen has beaten Ojeda using his North Sea experience. A good day for team Holland so far. Colin Sifferlen beat Perez to earn a second round tie against 2004 world champion Scott McKercher

17.47 OK as expected the head judge is cancelling this heat and putting the postponement flg up as the wind has dropped too much

17.45 Mevissen just went 'down the mineshaft' in the shorebreak after a mistimed hit on the whitewater. He must be freezing cold too as he's in just a shortie wetsuit! The wind is really backing off which is a worry

17.42 Up next - Browne v Mevissen and Pearch v Bouron. Standby for results of previous heat. Right now the wind looks really sketchy and gusty. But the waves are showing better on the inside sand bars. There is also a jumping peak further outside but the faces of those swells are not steep enough to ride properly

17.39 Results - Sorlut and Ten Hoeve advance to second round from heat 2 - Ten Hoeve's last minute one-handed back loop seems to have made the difference

17.38 Sifferlen's landed a nice air chacho and Perez is ripping the solid inside sections. Van Der Steen seems to have the upperhand in both jumps and riding against Ojeda so far

17.31 Up now are Perez v Sifferlen and Ojeda v van Der Steen. The women's first round will follow the men's first round

17.26 Result - Guillol and Horrocks advance from heat 1 - Horrocks won by a 2-1 decision with his wave scores. Bruch had high jump scores including the highest score of the day so far for a high back loop

17.24 Sorlut is riding better and is more experienced in competition. Volwater is slowly racking up points with backloops and riding.

17.21 Ouch Ten Hoeve's broken a mast in the shorebreak and is jogging back upwind to get another rig without a caddy's help. The thick waterside crowds don't help them very much to get back up the beach

17.19 The conditions are hard and making life difficult for the riders. Sand's riding deteriorated and Guillol started to crash his jumps including and air chacho.The Horrocks Bruch heat was close with both making some nice back loops and wave rides. Standby for results shortly. Up next are Volwater v Ten Hoeve and Sorlut v Juban

17.10 It's on! Guillol has crashed all his jumps so far and Sand is riding the shorebreak nicely. Horrrocks has only bagged an average forward in the tricky conditions and Bruch, like Sand, is milking the set waves inside.
17.02 The onshore wind is preventing the loud sound signals being heard by the sailors ot clear the water! The signalling flags are up but no one is taking notice and they are just continuing to freesail...

16.56 Hi Sorry for the delay. The head judge thinks he's going to to start around 17.00. The wind is actually lighter but the waves are improving. The shorebreak has already claimed a couple of masts...

16.40 Hi OK the waves are still fairly sketchy but the Head Judge thinks he's going to start at 16.45 with a 10 minute heat, and one jump and one wave to count. First up will be Guillol v Sand and Horrocks v Bruch. All the riders are out warming up now.

16.18 Hi and welcome to the live news service from Sylt. Skipper's meeting has just been held and it is possible we could start at 16.30

However right now the surf is small and inconsistent despite the wind being suitable at around 20-25 knots. Next call 16.30
Victor Fernández



Peter Volwater

Bjorn Dunkerbeck

Nayra Alosno

Phil Horrocks
Hoy hubo un solo slalom en el que los resultados fueron:

1-Arnon Dagan
2-Steve Allen
3-Julien Quentel

Antoine 5º
dunerbeck 11º

Unas fotillos:

Un saludo [saludo]
Eventually conditions allowed official competition. Current world champ Jose Estredo won the single elimination after a difficult final against Tonky Frans to take the event lead. Congratulations 'Gollito'!

Single elimination results:

1. Jose 'Gollito' Estredo
2. Tonky Frans
3. Ricardo Campello
4. Marcilio 'Brawzinho' Browne

Esto es lo que dice la Pwa del freestyle
Vaya fotos que han sacado en freestyle!!! [heavy]


Cheo Díaz

Taty Frans





Anthony Ruenes

Kiri Thode

Ian Mouro


Fotos: PWA / Carter
Por cierto, hoy Nayra Alonso ha ganado la eliminatoria simple de olas ganando en la final a Iballa, tercera Stefi Wahl y cuarta Junko Nagoshi.

Felicidades Nayra!!!! ... ahora a esperar a la doble eliminatoria !!


Eliotasos dijo:
el shaka de gollito suena a muerte [sorprendido] .....Aunque este tio lo llevará todo controlado [heavy]

Esos son los que le vi hacer en bolonia un dia pa 3.7... acojonante.
Subia unos 3 metros o más, marcaba esa postura, y yo pensaba "se mata"...... y lo clavaba perfecto. [ojos2]
Parece que las gemelas tienen mal perder. No es la primera vez que lo oigo.

Ayer al ganar Stefi Whall a Daida Ruano, Daida se cabreó tanto que se fue a la mesa de los jueces a dar patadas lo que le costó una visita al hospital para que le dieran puntos.

biggest suprise of the day was Steffi Whall taking out Diada Moreno. Moreno was so pissed off that she kicked the judges stand which sent her to the hospital for some stitches. Bad luck for her.

Yo soy un sponsor suyo y la mando a la mierda. Aunque sean unas bordes se ha de mantener una imagen dentro y fuera del agua, y no solo poner buenas caras y risitas cuando hay cámaras.
Marcos Perez

Scott Mckercher





Anne Marie Reichman



Steffi Wahl

Fotos: PWA / Carter
Hoy el viento a fallado!

[ojos2] [ojos2] [ojos2]

Algunos han aprovechado para hacer paddle.
flipper dijo:
Parece que las gemelas tienen mal perder. No es la primera vez que lo oigo.

Ayer al ganar Stefi Whall a Daida Ruano, Daida se cabreó tanto que se fue a la mesa de los jueces a dar patadas lo que le costó una visita al hospital para que le dieran puntos.

biggest suprise of the day was Steffi Whall taking out Diada Moreno. Moreno was so pissed off that she kicked the judges stand which sent her to the hospital for some stitches. Bad luck for her.

Según acabo de leer en windsurfjournal han sancionado a Daida eliminándola a partir de la segunda vuelta en olas, ya se puede ir despidiendo del título mundial. [saludo] Y añadir que no es la primera vez, en Fuerteventura ya pasó algo así al perder con Sarah Quita en freestyle.

L’info aurait pu passer totalement inaperçue si Kevin Pritchard n’en avait pas glissé un mot dernièrement dans son blog… En effet, le mardi 25 septembre, alors que Steffi Wahl et Daida Moreno sortent de l’eau après leur confrontation, la sanction tombe pour l’espagnole, elle est éliminée dès le second tour de l’épreuve des vagues et voit du même coup toute chance de couronne mondiale s’envoler.
Connue pour son caractère de compétitrice très (trop ?) développé, Daida Moreno s’en va aussitôt demander des comptes aux juges et énervée envoie un grand coup de pied dans la table qui leur sert de support. Résultat des courses, non seulement cela ne change rien au résultat final mais en plus cette dernière doit finalement aller à l’hôpital pour se faire poser des points de suture !!!
Bien décidée à rester parmi les meilleures mondiales, nous nous étions laissés dire dernièrement que Daida Moreno était déjà bien virulente cet été envers les juges lors de ses confrontations contre la jeune Sarah-Quita Offringa en freestyle…