Quieren prohibir el Windsurf y el Kite en Hawaii

micky lopez

Totalwind Fan
BCN/Las Palmas
Hola, si si , el estado de Hawaii, para preservar la seguridad de surfistas y nadadores quiere:

prohibición de navegar en aguas de Hawaii cualquier tabla propulsada por vela o cometa mas cerca de 100 pies de un surfista o nadador.

Como en Hawaii hay surfistas en todos sitios,a miles, se acabaria en la practica el windsurf.

Mi opinion. el windsurf lleva 25 o 30 años conviviendo con el surf, llega el kite y al cabo de 5 años prohiben las dos cosas.

Tela marinera,



PD: la fuente es un mail de PWA de ayer a la noche, tiene mala pinta
Dejo un enlace a la propuesta de ley:

micky lopez dijo:
Mi opinion. el windsurf lleva 25 o 30 años conviviendo con el surf, llega el kite y al cabo de 5 años prohiben las dos cosas.
Aquí tenéis un poco más de información acerca de la problemática kite:
GP, in case you did not know this, Uppers is officially part of the no-kite zone agreed upon by the Maui Kiteboarding Association in order to placate the FAA from banning kiteboarding entirely from the North Shore. On the MKA home page, there is a bulletin to discourage kiters from riding at Uppers, so that the precariously secured kiting access to other areas is not endangered - check it out for yourself.

I was at Uppers today, and, not only were some of the kiters - not all, some - being totally uncool (read: they were being dicks), but to top it off they all did not belong there, and they were in contravention of their own self-agreed limits.

Please do encourage them to keep going to Uppers, so that they are eventually banned entirely, when the compact agreement with the FAA comes up for renewal. It will be a good riddance, and not a moment too soon.

Even within the kiting community, the "old guard" is in dismay over the number of utter ass-wipes who are now flooding the sport.

You wanna know what this new law in the state legislature is all about? It's about kiters being dicks at Kailua and Diamond Head. These idiots do not give a rat's ass if they ruin it all for everyone else.

For a detailed explanation of the no-fly zones in Maui, click here.
No, si al final va a tener razón de ser la radicalidad del Tuputamalder...

New proposed windsurfing limitation: let's act soon!

First update.
Ok, it's 2.45pm hawaiian time, so I guess it's too late to send testimonies via email (but if haven't done it yet, I would recommend to do it anyway!).
Thanks to all the people who sent emails and called other people to do that. Some of you also sent me the content of their emails (way more effective than mine... I wrote mine and this post at 6.50am and had to be out of the door at 7!!). Thanks for the comments too.

Let's not forget that the hearing is tomorrow Friday 2 15 08 at 2.15 in Oahu.
I just spoke on the phone with windsurf photographer Charles Oreve who is thinking about going. I can't, but if you want to join him, please email me (look for the link email me on the right) and I'll get you in touch with him. Or just get on the plane, go there and speak out loud. The more, the better.
Thanks again!

PS. I just had an amazing sesh at the outer reef at uppers... no surfers, no swimmers, just a bunch of kitesurfers but I'm alright with those...
PPS. I also just saw Alex Aguera catch the biggest wave I've see a windsurfer on at Hookipa: over two masts high. Too bad I was driving and couldn't take a photo of it... Took a bunch of Josh Angulo, though. Stay tuned for that...

Just received an email from a friend (thanks!) that may REALLY mean disaster for the windsurfing industry/community in Maui.

Read this. For what I understand it's the Bill for an act (here details) that passed the first reading (here the history) and will have a public hearing on Friday at 2.45pm in Honolulu (Conference Room 414, State Capitol - 415 South Beretania Street).

According the first page I linked, there's the possibility to send tetimonies via email (testimony@capitol.hawaii.gov) or fax (586-6659 or 1-800-586-6659) at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. That's today Thursday 2 14 at 245pm.

If you read this in time, please send an email explaining that a law like this would mean a huge damage to the windsurfing related industry (shops, tourists), that in Maui is pretty big.
Please feel free to copy and paste the following text (that's what I'm going to email), if you feel like. Even better, explain your own reason for why you like or not the proposed bill.

For what I understand from the first page instruction, this MUST be the subject of the email:

Email subject:
Testimony to bill SB 2091 COMMITTEE ON WATER AND LAND hearing of Friday February 15, 2008 2.45pm

Email body:
A law like the proposed bill SB2091 would mean a huge damage to the windsurfing related industry (shops, tourists), that in Maui is pretty remarkable.
With a 200 feet limit, in fact, a single surfer on the break will virtually mean no sailboards on the break. And that'll be the end of wavesailing at Hookipa or Kanaha when there's waves and it's windy.
At Kanaha there's already the 11 o'clock rule (no windusrfing before 11am) that leaves plenty time to surfers to enjoy the less windy hours of the day.
At Hookipa there's already the 10 man rule (no windsurfing if more than 10 surfers in the water) that protects the surfers' safety.
A rule like the proposed bill SB2091 will not be fair towards windsurfers and kitesurfers.
Please, don't pass it. Thanks.

Está la cosa adelantada [aiba]



Será una pesadila? :(
jb dijo:
Está la cosa adelantada [aiba]


Esto parece como un registro de entrada o peticion no?? Luego se tendrá que aprobar en su momento. Por proponer pueden proponer lo que quieran pero q se apruebe es otra cosa. Si fuese aqui diria otra cosa, pero siendo Hawaii que es la cuna del surf y el windsurf no creo que lo prohiban. El kite al llevar tan poco puede que si, esperemos que sea el principio del fin de las compresas voladoras.
...jur....parece sorprendente pero parece que algo ahi....



SECTION 1. The legislature finds that surfers and swimmers using Hawaii's oceans for recreation face a danger from operators of sailboards and kiteboards. Sailboarders and kiteboarders often operate their craft at high speeds in areas crowded with surfers and swimmers. Kiteboards and sailboards are much heavier and faster and could cause serious injury if they were to collide with a swimmer or surfer. The purpose of this Act is to ensure water safety by prohibiting the operator of a sailboard or kiteboard from approaching within two hundred feet of a swimmer or surfer in the water.

SECTION 2. Chapter 200, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to part II to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

"§200- Operation of sailboards and kiteboards. No person shall operate a sailboard or kiteboard within two hundred feet of another person swimming or using a surfboard within the waters of the State.

For the purposes of this section, "sailboard or kiteboard" means any type of board that is propelled by a detachable sail or kite apparatus.

For the purposes of this section, "surfboard" means any type of board that is used for the sport of surf-riding and includes boards commonly known as "body boards"."

SECTION 3. This Act does not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun, before its effective date.

SECTION 4. New statutory material is underscored.

SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.


a ver q pasa!!....salu_dos
no puedo creer q se este llegando a esto, q va a pasar con la meca del wind [aiba] y el lugar (creo) soñado por todos para pasar en algun momento de la vida.
esperemos q gente con el peso y espiritu hawaiiano como josh stone, roby y demas moustros puedan ayudar y poner un buen fin a esto.
Pues que lo prohíban, ya verán cuando dejen de recibir ingresos de turismo del wind, los windsurfistas afincados alli tengan que emigrar, y las tiendas, alquileres y demás relacionados con el wind tengan que chapar.
Yo creo que seria imposible la prohibición, pues tendría graves consecuencias economicas, aunque viendo algunos vídeos de surfistas locales peleándose, esta peña no tiene que razonar mucho. [loco]
vaya tela vaya tela... no tengo palabras
La lucha continua. La nueva administración del govierno de Hawaii esta poniendo trabas a nuestro deporte en una oleada de nuevas medidas como ilegalizar el alquiler de apartamentos en las zonas de windsurf o limitar la presencia de escuelas y centros de alquiler.

Giampaolo Cammarota dijo:
Unfair County rules may kill watersports instruction on Maui

I received this email from David and Suzie Dorn.

Maui County has proposed new rules that will almost certainly kill watersports instruction on Maui. This is bad news for the Maui watersports community
And bad news for all the schools that have been serving the community for decades.

One example is, Proposed Rule 10-102-22 prohibits windsurfing schools from having more than two instructors working at one time. This will eliminate our kids camps, and any other high-school programs. This will put the vast majority of watersports instructors out of work, and most (if not all) schools will go out of business. The sports affected are Windsurfing, kitesurfing, surfing, kayaking, Scuba diving, etc.

We need public testimony from anyone who supports these sports. Please support our schools and instructors by writing a letter or email. And send it to

Tamara Horcajo, Maui County parks director, tamara.horcajo@co.maui.hawaii.us
Zachary Helm, deputy director parks, zachary.helm@co.maui.hawaii.us
Mayor Charmaine Tavares, charmaine.tavares@co.maui.hawaii.us
Jo Anne Johnson, jo_anne.johnson@mauicounty.us
Michelle Anderson, michelle.anderson@mauicounty.us
Senator Shan Tsutsui, sentsutsui@Capitol.hawaii.gov
And cc a copy to info@mauikiteboardingassociation.com

The testimony could be sent before 5pm Tuesday 2/26/08 (next meeting), or the final deadline is in 45days.