windforecast for next week - mallorca


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hello to everybody!

we would like to come to mallorca next week for windsurfing!

please give a short windforecast!

see you cheesy and lorenz
It's a little early to predict ... but seems that north wind will come from wednesday on.

Windgurú predicts good West wind for tuesday ... but its the only resource where I see that. Then all sources coincide with the North wind from wednesday and next days ... but seems that Menorca will get most of it. Next weekend we will have a more exact idea of what comes [ojos] [ojos]

Lets pray all together

[bow] [bow] [bow]
I don't know why, but I don't trust the windwuru prediction very much, ‘cos as Jaume set they are the only ones that have predicted wind for next Tuesday… but I have to admit that I’m going to take the day off work ‘just in case’. [big-laugh]

Usually we have wind during xmass time, but with the wind here you never know… but it seems that north winds are coming… cold north winds… well cold for us, depending on where are you from it could be not that cold.

And after xmass… we use to have a ‘Calm January’… is like a tradition…

Let see if Santa bring us some wind. [ola]
It seems now that all forecasts coincide in the west wind prediction for tuesday and the north wind from wednesday ( forecasting 30knots now) ... and rotating to NW for next days [ojos] [ojos] ... but it will be COLD .. at least for us ... seems that temp will drop to 6-7 degrees

Lets keep on praying [bow] [bow] [bow]
Al parecer volvemos a tener visita desde el extranjero

y volvereis a tener,... espera el proximo poniente que tengo la puesta de sol de sarapita grabada en la memoria [platano2]