Wind in Miami Platja - Cambrils


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Hi there,

I'm thinking of spending the summer in Miami Platja or Cambrils. I think there is not much wind but maybe there is some thermic wind for big sails in the summer ?
Hi! Cambrils isn´t so bad,in summer there are much termics and when raining to the next day enter much wind(mestral),cambrils is very near of the Delta Del Ebro,a big spot with waves,not so big as Pozo Izquierdo but similar!,if yo will go to Cambrils in summer see you!,good wind!!

-->Sorry for my English because is English of Spanish´s school! 😁
I have spent many holidays in miami playa (have a house there). The thermal winds in summer are very unpredictables, but when they appear are really nice (F4-5 and very constants).

The thermal wind is called garbí and in miami is side on shore.

The mestral in miami is off shore, therefore not very safe, and not so constant but stronger as garbí. If mestral appears, I recomend you to go to the Ebro's delta where you can sail safe with this wind.

Be aware because some days the mestral is during the morning and after noon the garbí starts, so you can go out at night, sleep during the mornig and sail after lunch.

Best regards


Ahora en castellano para que la peña no se mosquee. :mrgreen:

Yo he pasado un montón de veranos en miami (tengo una casa allí). Los vientos térmicos en verano son un poco impredecibles, pero cuando entran bien son muy constantes (F4-5)

El viento térmico le llaman garbi y en miami entra de mar y diagonal a la playa.

El mestral en miami es terral, por lo tanto no muy seguro, y no tan constante como el garbí, aunque puede ser mucho más fuerte. Si entra mestral te recomiendo que vayas al delta del ebro donde podrás navegar con seguridad con este viento.

Hay dias que el mestral entra durante toda la mañana y al mediodia cambia a garbí, asi que puedes salir a la noche, dormir por la mañana y navegar después de comer. [chulo]

Un saludo