Pushloop into forward by Kauli Seadi


Totalwind Superlegend
Pushloop into forward by Kauli Seadi

cágate lorito! [heavy]


The man who’s just achieved the ‘impossible’ of a push loop into front loop, Brazilian rider Kauli Seadi, talks us through the move, one that marks without any doubt a new era of windsurfing.
"So basically, this move was finally nailed… Many sailors have thought about the move without managing to accomplish it. I have seen video footage of Ricardo Campello trying it once in Lanazarote and it looked insane, so I always felt like trying but was afraid. This summer I started riding motocross and I realized that the risk for us windsurfers to get hurt is much smaller as we fall on the water… Then I came to Maui, for a few days there was just jumping going on so I decided to try something new… I set that move as my target !!!
I tried one day at Camp One, going through the movements in my head and then I went to Lanes where there are a little bigger waves and I landed 2 on the same day !!!
I’m super happy because that opens a whole new window for new jump moves on waves!!! Combinations of different rotations looks so cool… Push into forward loop… I will call it the Seadimove and I hope it will go down in windsurf history… No more porno names for moves !!!"
Source : Kauli Seadi
Pero... Seguro que eso es Windsurf?... porque no se parece ni remotamente a lo que yo hago... [big-laugh] [big-laugh]

Que pasada... I M P R E S I O N A N T E!!!! [heavy]
The man who’s just achieved the ‘impossible’ of a push loop into front loop, Brazilian rider Kauli Seadi, talks us through the move, one that marks without any doubt a new era of windsurfing.
"So basically, this move was finally nailed… Many sailors have thought about the move without managing to accomplish it. I have seen video footage of Ricardo Campello trying it once in Lanazarote and it looked insane, so I always felt like trying but was afraid. This summer I started riding motocross and I realized that the risk for us windsurfers to get hurt is much smaller as we fall on the water… Then I came to Maui, for a few days there was just jumping going on so I decided to try something new… I set that move as my target !!!
I tried one day at Camp One, going through the movements in my head and then I went to Lanes where there are a little bigger waves and I landed 2 on the same day !!!
I’m super happy because that opens a whole new window for new jump moves on waves!!! Combinations of different rotations looks so cool… Push into forward loop… I will call it the Seadimove and I hope it will go down in windsurf history… No more porno names for moves !!!"
Source : Kauli Seadi
joderrr el nota como se sale....lo hace perfecto....pero en lo de ponerle su nombre....jejeje....no creo q sea el primero q lo hace!!...se comentaban intentos de eleazar.....umnmn.....parece el combo de año.....q animales [heavy] [heavy]
ufff la verdad que impresiona, y no hablemos de la difucultad de parar el giro en el aire y sacarlo para el otro lado...

Sin duda alguna solo esta a la altura de unos pocos a mi parecer .

Si bien se merece llevar el nombre "Seadimove" me gusta más "Push into forward loop"… asi al leer se puede entender de que se trata la maniobra.
Me cuesta aprender más nombres nuevos!.. [bonk]
Me quito el sombrero, este hombre ha revolucionado el mundo del windsurf, y creo que es la primera vez que en un deporte se rota para delante y para detras en el mismo salto.... me he quedado boquiabierto [ola]
boro dijo:
The man who’s just achieved the ‘impossible’ of a push loop into front loop, Brazilian rider Kauli Seadi, talks us through the move, one that marks without any doubt a new era of windsurfing.
"So basically, this move was finally nailed… Many sailors have thought about the move without managing to accomplish it. I have seen video footage of Ricardo Campello trying it once in Lanazarote and it looked insane, so I always felt like trying but was afraid. This summer I started riding motocross and I realized that the risk for us windsurfers to get hurt is much smaller as we fall on the water… Then I came to Maui, for a few days there was just jumping going on so I decided to try something new… I set that move as my target !!!
I tried one day at Camp One, going through the movements in my head and then I went to Lanes where there are a little bigger waves and I landed 2 on the same day !!!
I’m super happy because that opens a whole new window for new jump moves on waves!!! Combinations of different rotations looks so cool… Push into forward loop… I will call it the Seadimove and I hope it will go down in windsurf history… No more porno names for moves !!!"
Source : Kauli Seadi

Jajaja... utiliza mi misma técnica para quitarse el miedo al intentar maniobras: pensar en los deportes de tierra. Yo veo un video de unos locos hacciendo parkour de ese, y el forward me parece naaaa...

A partir de ahora, incorporo esta increible maniobra a mis recursos quitamiedos [meparto]
como decia un amigo q va en motocross a un tio q va en moto le explicas como se hace un forward y el te respondera q cuantas vueltas hay q pegar ....jejeje despues de meterse vuelos de 10m sobre el s-u-e-l-o le pierden el respeto al agua jejejeje....
y me repito moviseady para el push - front bfff.....no me parece q la haya inventado el, anque sea el primero q la controla ....se tira un poko de la moto....jejejeje.....pero weno por la maniobra espectacular mucho control q loko este!! [meparto]