Mallorca - verano


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Is it a good idea to go to Mallorca for Juli - September with board RRD fsw 85l and two sails: Force 4,7 and Loco 5,4?
Is the wind strong enough to have fun with this equipment?

Sorry for english :)
Here is google translation:

¿Es una buena idea para ir a Mallorca para julio - septiembre, con trabajadoras sexuales bordo RRD 85l y dos velas: Force 4,7 y Loco 5,4?

El viento es lo suficientemente fuerte como para divertirse con este equipo?
I think that if you como to mallorca with this equipment the only time that you would enjoy is going to be the nights with your "trabajadoras sexuales" (it means sexual workers) [heavy] [heavy]
I would recommend you coming here with a bigger equipment because in mallorca excepting a few days we have very soft breezes

Sorry for my english i expect you had understood what i had say