Josh Angulo - Campeón del mundo 2009 - Se retira del Wave


Miembro del equipo
Después de ganar su segundo campeonato del mundo de olas, anuncia su retirada del Tour de olas de la PWA. Dice que dejará de acudir a las pruebas de olas, que son 3, cabo verde en su casa, que aunque deje el Tour la hará, y Pozo y Sylt donde va a estar igualmente si quiere darle fuerte al Slalom como dice.

Por eso no veo porque dice que se retira del wave tour .... no lo entiendo y más habiendo ganado este año!!!


For sure I'm stoked to have gotten my second world title. It puts quite a solid stamp on my wave career. I've decided to move on to new pastures, which basically means that I won't do the whole wave world tour.

If there's a sick down-the-line event somewhere I'll probably give it some thought, but for me personally I am satisfied with what I've accomplished.

Through the last few years, I've been stretched and divided with many different projects and focusing on winning another world title, I just don't see any real reason to go on the doing the same thing I've been doing season after season.

I'm very thankful for all the opportunities I've had and the PWA Wave Tour has been a good tool to make a living, promote my sponsors and own brand, and have a lot of fun and learn a lot of things, so I'm super stoked about having had that opportunity.

By no means am I giving up wavesailing and I'm more excited than ever to do more wavesailing and start searching out some new spots as well as globe-trotting to sail with friends and clients around the world and share some Angulo love.

I'm also focusing on doing some very service-oriented clinics in Cabo Verde which will focus on winsurfing but will also have surfing and SUP available as well as sharing some of the good Cabo Verde roots experiences which have entranced me in recent years of my life.

I'll also have the chance to spend more time developing Angulo boards and our service for our valued customers as well as work closely with Maui Sails on development and brand awarness. On top of it all I plan to make a serious attack on the slalom scene and dedicate some time into tuning, training and competing for Angulo and Maui Sails.

Most importantly though - a bit more time with the family!
Qué fuerte!! Nose yo, yo quizás, haría la teoría de la caquita.... Sabe que ha ganado porque ha habido 3 pruebas, de las cuales una era en su casa... y ha ganado por eso, si hubiera habido más variedad, como otros años, quizás lo tendría más dificil contra kauli, campello o victor...
Aun sí, es un máquina!!
También supongo, q tiene sus añitos para meterse a dar botes 😁
Es cierto que ha ganado el mundial ? Si es así me alegro mucho por el , es todo un ejemplo