Job offer : Training period in France.


Hola Dani, David y los otros ...

Tengo una proposition en Francia, un período de prácticas para un estudiante, para ayudar me a trabajar on mis webs ( y

El annuncio en ingles :

Devcomm, a french windsurfing and kitesurfing related company, is looking for a webdeveloper for a training period. Good abilities needed in HTML, XML, CSS, Javascript, Php, MySql, Flash.

Our project : E-marketing - E-Commerce.

Kitesurfing and / or windsurfing practice prefered.

Our company is located in Brest (France North West coast).

For more details, please contact us :

mail :
skype : matalsurfing

Debes hablar un poco ingles o frances.

I would come if I were younger and still studying !!! [qmeparto] ...

Hope you find someone to help you on your websites.


Dani a mis un message sur mon site hier, donc j'ai mis une news vers la galerie du 04.02.06 ;)

Je mettrai tes vidéos un peu plus tard David ;)
It looks quite hard to find someone....

Nobody for the moment however I place ads in french, english and spanish ;)

Greats place for wind and waves :


Myself at almost 20 minutes from the place where I work ;)
Maybe you could get someone easier if they could work from home,

Do you require them to travel there to work inhouse or is ok if they work from home?

And if you permit me ... one question ... what's the goal of the job? ... bc I see your sites are nice and popular !!! [big-laugh]
A training period for a student require to be in the company...

About my site, I've many many idea, and a webdeveloper could help me a lot, and on the same time he could learn a lot ;)

I've only two hands ;)
matalsurfing dijo:
A training period for a student require to be in the company...

About my site, I've many many idea, and a webdeveloper could help me a lot, and on the same time he could learn a lot ;)

I've only two hands ;)

Ye ... that's true ... I also have a lot of ideas and open projects, and I also just have 2 hands and a fulltime job [ojos]