por lo que veo tienen dos para olas, la exo wave y esa. La verdad es que se ven mas bien poquitas por aqui (jamas he visto una) asi que dudo mucho que alguien te pueda echar una mano.
Menudo cacao tienes, no sergio?
Como estoy aburrido he estao buscando opiniones de gente por ahi y hay mas bien poca cosa.
Tipica publi por aqui:
Fotos de la u-surf:
Fotos de la exo wave en accion: http://www.surfingsports.com/cali_may_06/slides/wardog_backloop1.html
y algunas opiniones del foro de exocet:
- the Exo wave have a higher top speed and more powerfull tail Heavier-bigger sailors tend to prefer this range.
- the Usurf will draw tighter curves on a wave face with less effort and also perform very well in down the line conditions, they make you feel like you're on a surfboard. Medium weight and lighter sailors usually love this line.
I have the Usurf 84, its a nice board. But it is not the best board for down the line since it can't turn that well. I was hoping for a more radical shapel.
The Usurf 84 is holding its speed on the face of a wave really good. The turning is good but it needs a firm pressure on the rail.
La verdad es que la u-surf mola bastante, otra cosa es como funcione. En fin... suerte con la tabla por la que te decidas