Confirmado............ Victor Fernández a North Sails!!!

Jose Alicante

Totawind Master
Pues eso parece ser que ya es oficial... Habrán tenido que dejar ir a Peter Volwater, a Taty Frans y demás para que entre él...??
Parece ser, no
Ya es oficial, en el windsurfjournal lo mencionan y en la primera frase dice asi: "solo se necesito un poco menos de 24 horas al salirse de Simmer para pasarse a North...."
Y seguiremos con los cambios de "calzones"
Que fuerteeeeeee!!!! Que pensáis que ocurrirá? La cosa está que arde! Tanto cambio de equipo, como se lo habrán tomado los que se van? Habrá más pique en el agua? Ui ui ui...
Nota de prensa, adjunta abajo en PDF

Victor(y) Fernández Lopez E-42 signs for North Sails
PWA Double Vice World Champ and winner of 4 of the last 7 PWA Wave Events
Contact Alexander Hasch Keltenring 9 Phone +49-(0)89-666 55 272 Mail:
Boards & More GmbH D-82041 Oberhaching Fax +49-(0)89-666 55 100
Division North Sails Germany

We are extremely happy to announce that the double PWA
WAVE VICE WORLD CHAMPION Victor Fernandez and hottest
aspirant for the 2009 PWA wave title will enter the international
North Sails team from January 1st, 2009.
The very likeable pro wave sailor from Almeria, Spain already
proved the last few seasons on the PWA wave tour that he is an
exceptionaly good sailor with his own radical style. Especially in
hardcore jumping conditions Victor is accepted as the most
talented and radical rider on the tour.
Victor will compete for North Sails in all PWA wave events in the
future. Furthermore he will strongly be involved into the
development of our wave sails.
He has been competing in the PWA tour since 2003 and is fully
motivated to take the crown in 2009. Important to mention that he
won 4 of the last 7 PWA wave world cup events.
”North gives me a great opportunity to develop the right
equipment to win with. Being in the North Team motivates me a
lot on my way to the wave title !!!”
Raoul Joa, North Sails Line & Product Manager:
“Victor is maybe the most professional pro windsurfer I ever met.
Always friendly and 100% dedicated. He is not only a brilliant
wave sailor but also equipped with a lot of knowledge about
windsurf sails, which will support our wave sail R&D work a lot”.

RESULTS ´07, ´08
Vice PWA Wave World Champion.
1ºSpanish Championship.
11º PWA Sal (Cabo Verde)
1º PWA Pozo Izquierdo (Gran Canaria)
2º PWA Pozo Izquierdo (Gran Canaria) Super Session
1ºPWA Sylt (Alemania).
Vice PWA Wave World Champion.
13º PWA Sal (Cabo Verde)
3º PWA Sal (Cabo Verde) Super Session
1º PWA Guincho (Portugal)
1º PWA Pozo Izquierdo (Gran Canaria)
1º PWA Pozo Izquierdo (Gran Canaria) Super Session
4º PWA Florianópolis (Brasil)
1º PWA Tiree (Escocia) Super Session

Victor´s winner sail:
North Sails Ego

North Sails: Why North and where do you see the biggest strengths at your new sail brand North Sails?
Victor: I always wanted to be in a big team like North Sails. North Sails gives me the big chance to not only be a pro
rider but also be very deeply involved into their R&D.
The pro rider team, the whole R&D team and the product/marketing/sales team in the international headquarter is very
committed to the sport itself and driven by very good characters. North has a lot to offer me with its big innovative
range of equipment and very smart marketing machinery. I want to provide the best of my ability to them.
North Sails is the no. 1 sail brand which is the best premise to reach my biggest goal as pro windsurfer.
North sails: Which goals do you want to reach together with North Sails / Fanatic in mid and long term?
Victor: My main goal is to become Wave World Champion one day, so North/Fanatic are giving me a good opportunity
to improve my sailing and working with a great team. I´m very motivated for the upcoming years.
North Sails: Who will be your main competitors on the PWA wave tour 2009?
Victor: I´m sure most of the guys on tour but mainly the top 10 from last year. Kauli, Jonas, Angulo, Kevin,
Marcilio,´s going to be an exciting year!
North Sails: How important is your family for your professional career?
Victor: My family has always been very important to me. I always have the big support of my parents and friends to
keep living that life as a professional windsurfer cause they know it is what I love since I´m a kid.
North Sails: Which will be the winner move/jump on the PWA tour 09?
Victor: I guess in jumping spots the push loop forward and doubles forward will be the main moves coming up next
year on tour.
North Sails: Do you have a personal trainer or constant training partner?
Victor: I have personal trainers (Xavier Huart and Didier Rochette) but they don´t travel with me. We see each other for
a week or two where we go training together with other riders of different sports as surfing or motocross. They see how
I feel on that week and after they send me different programs of training during the year.
North Sails: What are your plans before the PWA wave season starts in 09?
Victor: Right now I´m in Chile for 1 month doing a trip with Klaas Voget. After here I will stop in Spain for December. In
January my plan is to go to Cape Town and then Cabo Verde for the first PWA wave contest.


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skimwindborriana dijo:
Que pensáis que ocurrirá? La cosa está que arde!

Lo cierto es que Víctor tiene vela (patrocinador) y eso en el 2009 casi va a ser un lujo.
Muchos se van a quedar sin patrocinador, seguro, y es que no creo que las ventas den para muchas alegrías.
A ver si con la crisis bajan los precios de las tablas de una vezque no puede ser que cuesten 1500 o más!! [cabreado]
Jose_CB dijo:
A ver si con la crisis bajan los precios de las tablas de una vez que no puede ser que cuesten 1500 o más!! [cabreado]

No sueñes, que con la crisis el efecto es el contrario, el precio de los bienes sube. Si todo sube, carburantes, materias primas, dólar, mano de obra, impuestos, etc .. es imposible que el precio de los bienes baje .. al contrario. Añádele a eso la falta de competitividad de las empresas ante la crisis y tenemos un buen bocadillo.
Pues a ver si con las subidas de la crisis y con el nuevo material....sube tambien el nivel un pelin en el surfing de Cavo Verde(me refiero a Victor) y se lleva de calle a todos los pros en 2009!!
Aupa Victor!! Con Simmer, North...o con quien quieras mano!!
Voto a Victor/Fanatic & North Sails para campeón del mundo en 2009. [neng] [neng] [neng]
Vaya, no término yéndose con ezzy... [meparto]
A ver si el David Ezzy se estira ahora que están todos los pros de rebajas, que coja a alguien baratito hombre [ojos]

Toda la suerte para Víctor y sus nuevas north, seguirá deslumbrando como siempre.