Vuelve el Rey: Robby Naish !!!


Miembro del equipo
Primera intervención de Robby Naish en un foro !!! y es para decir que vuelve a estar a tope dentro del Windsurf ... tomándose un respiro del Kite:

Hi Guys,

Well you have dragged me into a forum... first time ever! Stoked to see that there is still a demand for RIP over there. We stopped producing it a while back, but are looking at doing a DVD release of the video with new modern footage added in new sections, with some dialogue about the original RIP etc. Trying to squeeze in the project amongst all the other stuff going on, but will make it happen for sure. At this stage though, I think finding an original "new" copy on video will be tough. I will keep you posted on progress of the DVD.

Been sailing Hookipa a lot, and am really full on into windsurfing (again.... )taking a little breather from kite world. It is cool to be able to do both sports, but nothing beats smacking a solid lip on a windsurfer. Missed the contest last week at Hookipa, but it was "going off." The final was apparently "sick," with Polakow and Angulo really ripping. Guess I missed it.Anyway, thanks for your support, aloha, and good sailing!
