Dedada: Swicth Stance Clock - Konan Lang


Miembro del equipo

1 - First of all, to do the move you need to be with the Puneta ( Switch Stance Spock ) and the Slider ( Switch Stance Groby ) in your mind and it will also help a lot if you know how to do the normal Clock , more the Slider than the Puneta, because after the Flip on the sail you do a Gruby, the move starts like a Puneta Clew First and finish as a Slider, so if you do the Clew Puneta and the Slider I think that the bests tips to do the mover are:

2- Look for a chop a little bigger then the ones that you use to do the Clew Puneta, because to do this MOVE you need a little more time in the air to start flipping the sail, try flipping the sail as fast as you can, because in the air if you jump down wind the sail has no power so it's easy to pass by the back of the boom to go for the groby position and then you get more time to finish the rotation on the water! When you are in the Groby position just stay with your back hand all open and never pull the boom close to your body just do this when the rotation is already finished and your board is already in the normal direction of the sailing, because if you pull the hand before you finish the rotation you will go straight to the water because the sail will come full power over you!!!

Have a good one

Konan Lang - BRA 3
Muy buena la secuencia, puede verse perfectamente!!!
y la cita [meparto] [meparto] bueno, para ser positivos, te diré que así al menos nos motivas a que aprendamos idiomas. jeje.